Friday, August 16, 2013

Calories in Durian

When i'm sad and feeling depressed i turn to food.

And lately, my guilty pleasure is...


It is my favorite fruit HANDS DOWN. And i am surprised a lot of people hate it. But i love it like mad! I don't get why people think it's stinky...i think it smells awesome. Hahaha.

I can eat one whole durian at one seating. I AM CRAZY. But that would mean i'd have to work out doubly hard at the gym cus durians are very high in calories. :( "Durian is fruit. How can that make you fat?" Well, the sad truth is it will make you fat (i mean come on, you're not gonna only eat that one durian and be full the entire day).

Based on my research online...

1 whole fruit is around 885 Calories. :O 

So i had 3/4 of a durian last night, which means i consumed about 600 calories FOR SUPPER. My average daily calorie intake is 1240 calories - so that's like half already. Well, which explains why i did 45 minutes of cardio (usually only do 30 min on normal days) this morning. Lol.

And here's the Nutrition Fact of the durian i found online.

I don't know what 1 cup means though :/ hahahaha.

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