Saturday, June 15, 2013


Been a busy week with the MIYOC Event at JCube! It's the last day today so drop by if you're around the corner!

I cant believe it is mid June already. SO SCARY HOW QUICKLY TIME PASSED. HALF A YEAR IN 2013 ALREADY?! I remember 2012 so well....sometimes i still make the mistake of writing the date as 2012. Soon....i will officially turn 22?! Omg i was 18 just yesterday....hahaha. GROWING UP IS SO SCARY. Months and years just passed by LIKE THAT. I really miss being in Secondary School. If you still are, please treasure and enjoy those days k?

So my upcoming week, i'll be off for my buying trip. What do you girls want me to bring in for OSF? You can drop me suggestions in the comment box below or via email! I have some pretty awesome dresses by OSF coming up! :D Was supposed to update the webstore on Monday but my flight is on Tue and i wont be back till Fri so i'm delaying the launch by another week.

I cant wait to do proper posts! No food post this week cus well, Mcdonalds has been a good friend this week. I swore never to have Mcdonalds but EVERYONE AROUND ME JUST WANTS HELLO KITTY. Have you gotten your Hello Kitty? I got the Lion and Witch! A friend is gonna give me the Red Riding Hood one, THANK GOODNESS, because i was so worried i'd never get a complete collection. Still waiting for Mcdonalds to restock the Frog!! I need to start getting serious with my diet. Back to eating clean and exercising because i saw a huge improvement in my health and skin when i was eating clean!

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