Monday, June 24, 2013

The 100% Natural Perfume: Bohemian Naturals Thai Sunshine

In my mission to 'clean up' my make up bag I almost forgot about my perfume. I've been addicted to using Mac Jacobs Daisy for as long as I can remember and the though of giving up my tiny piece of luxury (because lets face's the only bit of Marc Jacobs I'm going to get my hand on in this economy!) but I have a feeling that little old daisy might be not be so clean. That being said my expierence with natural perfumes has left much to be desired, I've found they either don't last very long and quite frankly smells like the bottom of an old ladies purse! Plus as much as I like all things natural smelling like a nature reserve is not on my to do list. I also didn't want to loose the sense of luxury that you get from a perfume bottle (it's just so posh!)
So I wasn't holding out much hope on the perfume front until I got my hands on* Bohemian Naturals Thai Sunshine 100% natural, hand crafted perfume the aroma is divine (not an old lady insight) it's a surprisingly fresh, zingy and modern fragrance with herbaceous, lemon grass, cedar wood, lime, spicy ginger and light white flowers. As I'm used to the sweetness of the Daisy, Thai Sunshine is a nice transition sent it's sweet without being sickly and has a hint of spice which elevates the aroma from nose twitching to full on head tuning status! 
On the luxury issue Bohemian Naturals doesn't let me down, the 4ml roller ball though small packs a punch, it comes in a nice box with a hand written date and also signed off by the owner Shannon. when you open the box a lovely silk pouch is revealed which is sewn shut you pull the thread to reveal the cute perfume it's all very personal and would be the perfect love token (do people still do love tokens or am I being a bit vintage....?) at £30 for 4mls some might think it's on the pricey side but the effort that goes into is to me worth the money and I would love to receive this as a present from my hubby! plus rollers balls last ages! (no over usage issues or spillage) I actually think the perfume is kind of perfect. There are 3 in the range Amber Rose, Indian Davana and Thai Sunshine you can pick up a sample pack for £8 so you can try out the scents for yourself here

I N G R E D I E N T S 


 what do you think of natural perfumes?

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