Sunday, May 5, 2013

The DIY: Whipped Hair Butter Fail

Not sure how to classify today's DIY mix, I guess  it's a semi whipped balm (or a whipped butter that went wrong)


3/4 of cup Shea butter 
1/3 cup of coconut butter
1/2 tbs Olive Oil 
1 tbs Castor Oil
Vanilla Essential oil few drops

This suppose to be a light fluffy butter for my hair, however I think I was either very inpatient with the whisking or too enthusiastic with the oils, I whipped for a really long time, but it hardly turned at all I used the same method with this butter as I did the whipped body butter earlier in the week, however the outcome wasn't as good.....and I've ended up with what looks like  a balm rather than a butter.
I will still work as it was intended to seal in moisture as the ingredients work regardless of what form they are in...however I'm going to be sparing with this as it is super heavy (I think the castor oil was a bad idea!)  this will teach me to experiment before I have the basics down!

what I was aiming for......

.........what I was left with

not the best mix!

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