Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The Cottage: Sheabutter Cottage Visit + Haul

I had such a wonderful day at the Sheabutter Cottage, based in Sonning, Reading you would never guess that on a little farm (like a real farm with cows!) sits a little natural hair and skin haven. Akua Wood has a great set up at the cottage I got to meet her helpers and see where everything happens! the cottage is fantastic I think I pee'd a little with excitement! I can not believe that Akua mixes, moulds and whips all the products I found.

The Sheabuter Cottage has a great array of raw and pre blended products, since I've vowed to start doing some DIY product making I picked up a few essential and plan to make some lovely butters for hair and body. I went a bit mad actually and brought A LOT of stuff...but everything looked sooooo good!

[ from left - right ] 
Moringa and neem soap, Monoi Soap, Agave  Deep Conditioner, Organic Rosehip Oil, Vanilla and Orange essential oil, Marula Hair Balm, Bamboo leave in conditioner and Tucuma hair butter (I will review all of these products eventually)

I also got unrefined Coco and Shea butter, Coffee Butter and Rhassuol clay, I also picked up a signed copy of The Science Of Black Hair (I've been meaning to buy this book for 2 years!)

Sheabutter Cottage source much of their raw ingredients like sheabutter, cocoabutter, unrefined coconut oil, African black soap and palm kernel oil directly from farmer co-operatives in Ghana and are of the finest quality.

If you get the chance I would suggest a visit, Sonning is beauty and Akua is very informative 

Sheabutter Cottage
Unit 3, Sonning Farm
Charvil Lane
Sonning Reading
United Kingdom
Call to book a visit on

Tel: +44 (0)208 144 4609
Mobile: +44 (0) 7795625240

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