On Friday morning, DX, Don & I went to Gardens By The Bay for a PICNIC!
Not. Haha.
We were there for our Friendscapade Picnic Theme shoot w Melvin!
It was super enjoyable shooting with my two favorite sisters. It's been 4-5 years and we're still pretty much stuck together. TRIPLETS FO LIFE!
Have some behind the scenes from my camera...
Setting up...
I certainly don't do so well in heat. My face (especially my nose) produces sweat TOO EASILY. It's like whenever there's no aircon, i'd CONFIRM perspire...and it'll start from my nose. It's like there's water droplets on my nose ALL THE TIME. Im sure there are a lot of people out there who face the same problem right?!?!
Cupcakes by Shiberty!
Go check out her site http://shibertys.blogspot.sg/
Here's a checklist if you are thinking of doing a Picnic, or a Pinic Theme Photoshoot!
1) Picnic Mat (you can walk down Arab Street or Spotlight to choose the fabric - they have tons of designs)
2) Picnic Baskets (I'm not sure where in Singapore sells it but i used to get mine from Thrift Stores in Singapore, like Salvation Army)
3) Pretty plates and utensils
5) Sandwiches or Potato Chips - stuff that can be left in the sun and not spoil easily
7) Sun Hat
8) Floral Headbands
9) Fake Flowers cus you can't pluck the real flowers - IT'S A CRIME.
With the 10 things above, your picnic should be comfy and look like ours!!
Cant wait for the shots by the Professional, Melvin from Multifolds! :)
Here's a sneak preview on his page!
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